Diverse yet United, A New Jammu Kashmir: Breaking the divide of an “And” in between

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Jammu Kashmir

What has once flown down the waters and tributeries of the Ganges must have been more sacred than the present currents, but who decides that? The same dilemma is in the hearts of the people of erstwhile Jammu Kashmir now a forced and an enforced UT. A person’s confidence wilts when he/she is not sure of the identity. Isn’t it the identity crisis you and me an average peace and Nation loving citizen of Jammu Kashmir facing right now. The Supreme Court has assured that it will be a State soon, the Hon’bl Home Minister of my Country has stated it loud and clear in the temple of Democracy (Lok Sabha) that when the time is right it will be a STATE again.

In June the Prime Minister announced in Kashmir that J&K will soon be a Sate but why am I (the citizen of J&K) in doubt over this. You know we have always been a State that has been used to fight many an International chess (Diplomatic) games but on ground our development and progress was never on the agenda file of any of the governments in the centre. Even today everything is very ornamental yet certain events have happened in the last few years, things probably moved in right direction for the hope to arise.

The politics of this state (UT at present) has always been Kashmir centric, Tourism and fruits too were borne and reaped by the valley. Though the seeds of Nationalism were always sowed by the people of Jammu region. The much glamorised Article 370 when effective was for the people of Kashmir and when it was aborted it was Kashmir only that bore the heat and then now this new Appeasement process of which Kashmir is the only beneficiary.

The Jammu population asks, Was Jammu important ever? Is Dogra pride, we so proudly talk about ever held any importance and significance for the people who ran the destiny of this grand Nation. Now even when the elections are being held and the fractured State will be handed back with curtailed power (as most of the important portfolios will remain under the control of the Central Government) it will be Kashmir again that will again hold the centerstage. Be it the backdoor negotiations with National Conference and PDP or much spoken fragmented groups and Independent separatists, every move is planned for and with Kashmir in mind.

ALSO READ: A Plea for Pride & Dignity: The Quest for Statehood in Jammu and Kashmir

Jammu and the average citizen of Jammu is believed to eventually toe the line even if at present it seems Jammu people will use the ballot to voice their resentment. But knowing the history and behaviour of Jammuites they will again fall into the trap of Nationalism and anti-neighbour slogans. Dogras will never learn from the past and as always these people will be diggers of their own graves (if not literal at least of the dreams of the future generations). The household and economy doesn’t run on the fuel of love for the Nation, because that might be the fodder for pride but not for the belly. Where are the jobs, where is the development, our tourism, our Canals, or our say why are we so toothless. It is time for you the people of Jammu to take out that “And” from between Jammu -and- Kashmir.

Make the world realise that Jammu is therefore Kashmir is, the road to the valley runs through the heartline of Jammu and their(valley’s) belly is not more important than ours. Our kids and generations too need attention, our deserved development and jobs is our existential right. We may be having millions of our families guarding the Nation or State in military and paramilitary forces but when will we ever learn to guard our basic interests. A nation is like religion/faith nothing before it but then our region is like an identity we can never let forgo. This identity is to us what skin is to the bones. Our generations have fought for the freedom of land with bones and flesh, it is time we raise our voice for self determination and Pride. We will not fall prey to the big old false promises. We will choose our leaders and representatives with care and use a ballot like a tool for self assessment and vote for the development and overall welfare of our region. So for once choose the ones who will stand for your rights, who in the long term will fight your battles and who understand issues, those who had been there when you faced the ridicule and not those who just made promises for decades but reduced your identity to sand, choose your leaders and vote for their credentials not mere parties and slogans.

The new Jammu Kashmir will see a new JAMMU because that is how the spellings begin, there can never be a Kashmir without a strong Jammu, an “And” is something Jammu Kashmir can better do without. The base of the nomenclature and the fundamentals of identity lies with Jammu and reaches Kashmir, it should be well orchestrated. The times are changing and make those changes visible. It is your time to choose and choose you must but wisely.

While to people in Kashmir, I will say, the two communities live in peace and brotherhood in the mohallas and lanes of Jammu, let that extend beyond the tunnels on both sides and let’s construct a tunnel between Jammu Kashmir and bridge out an “AND” for ever. Lets touch each other’s hearts because what is good for one brother should be good for the other too. India is Our Country, let’s bring our hearts together in and for building a new Jammu Kashmir in which there is no place for an “And”, “ifs” and “buts”. Let’s be sure of our identity and who we are. It is the complete STATEHOOD we ask, and strive for

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